Welcome to the family, Camden!

The newest addition to our family has four legs, sharp teeth, floppy ears, and slobbery kisses! Yep, you guessed it  . . . we have a new puppy!

Meet Camden Walker Jarrell - born December 6, 2013. He has each member of our family wrapped up tight including both sets of Grandparents.

Here he is upon arrival at the Jarrell House. He made himself at home and sleeps snuggled up with Sissy every night. He even has Stella on his side!

He is now almost 5 months old and weighs almost 20 lbs. He likes to chew things such as shoes, books, money, etc.... You know, anything he gets to quicker than we can! On a positive note he is house trained with only a few minor accidents, he sits when told, and he LOVES the water so we are all eager for boating season.

Just look at that sweet face!


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