A day in the life: Cotton Planting

It's 10:54pm on a Tuesday.  Doug is still planting away at the field. 
My dedicated, hard working, passionate farmer has been known to log some long days.  The past few weeks I realize just how often.  We miss him when he's not home for supper with us. My eyes grow weary waiting on him to get home safely.  The kids ask when Daddy will be home. I say, I'm not sure and Brittany comments, "That means late".  

The point is this.  We realize the importance of his passion and dedication, but the outside world sometimes does not. I know during planting and harvest season that he will not be able to go to family gatherings, watch our kids' sporting events, or jump in the car for a family outing. The kids and I eat supper alone and now that Summer is here we sit up and wait for him to walk in the door!  

He keeps a high stress level from now until the crop is harvested. So we savor our time with him when we can sneak him away.

Farmers are the food, clothing, fuel, and shelter of the world. Our Farmer is our Hero!

Did you know that Cotton is not solely used for clothing? Yes, one bale of ginned cotton can make up to 325 pairs of blue jeans. Have you ever washed dollar bills in your favorite blue jeans? Wonder how it never rips in two? The dollar bill is made of 75% cotton! Remember studying in school that Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin?  The cleaned and ginned cotton seed can be used to make meal for cattle and it is also used in vegetable oils.

So you see, our Cotton Farmer doesn't work those long hours just for our family of five.  He logs in those hours for the rest of the world too.
There are many seasons in life.  Our family of five has been enjoying planting season. From Ecclesiastes 3:2, there is a time to plant and a time to harvest.

Happy Planting Season to all our Farmer friends!

{From our Three generations of Farmers}


  1. Thanks to you and your family! We are thankful for farmers like Doug!

  2. Very proud of you and your husband Doug I love you all so very much.

  3. So glad you found Doug. Among many great titles, he is a great farmer, father and friend. We love you both oh so much!!

  4. Thanks Momma and Amanda! We love you both very much also :)


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