Lockwood is SIX!

As if Christmas isn't exciting enough we have someone in our house with a Birthday 10 days after!

Lockwood wanted his Birthday to be All Orange!

He asked Santa for a Dirt Bike, so since he didn't bring that we decided to get him a bigger bike with a kick stand.  Well, it has to be returned because of a broken sprocket but he loved it!

He wanted orange football cookies.  My apologies to those sweet children in his class!!  I am not a Baker on a normal day.  On this particular night before I was to have these at school we had work duty for the basketball games.  So I stayed up until 1:30am baking....icing....decorating.  So glad I had chips, fruit snacks, and chocolate milk for back-up!!

After a little football, pinata, presents, and cake I know he had a wonderful Birthday!

PS. Turning six gives you magic powers to run faster according to Lockwood!  And ---- he can read books to me now instead of me reading to him!! :)


  1. We had such a good time at the party! It was the perfect "orange" party!


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