Weather Hormones. . . .

Okay - NO, I am not as crazy as you think!  I know the next season is Fall, not Winter!

But sitting in my office for the past couple weeks makes me feel like Winter!  My office has two desks and with those desk also come seasons.  In the Summer time I want no part of the computer area and in Winter I want no part of the front desk!!  The air vent blows massively on that desk and I have already began to leave sweaters on my chair.

Any who - I love these snow pictures from two years ago.  I thought they were lost forever along with thousands of others lost to the tragic hard drive crash last year.  The train track is in Historic Estill (hehe) and the other is Doug's parents old laundry shed (yes, they still use it for that purpose).  I also remember that day being the perfect snow day for our family :-)

Happy ALMOST Fall!


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