Ipods are so amazing! Our kids {especially the boys} have a new found love of electronics. Brittany graciously sold her old Ipod to Lockwood in January for $90 since she wanted the newest one - great deal, right? Emerson has been wanting one ever since! Since he has a Birthday coming up we decided we'd get him that. So, that's where the shuffle began . . . . . . Lockwood left his Ipod in his shorts pocket and Brittany washed it ------ oops! Brittany was so upset and we thought Lockwood would be devastated too. I didn't hear the exact conversation but Britt said he laughed and said it was okay. Sissy promised to help him purchase another one {the newest edition with the camera}. On a whim we let the newly cleaned Ipod chill out in a bag of rice for a couple days. Lockwood decided to check it to see if it worked today. Well, look what is back to singing! Lockwood really had his heart set on that new camera one. ...