Wow! Usually back to school gets easier in the sense that we are more prepared by learning from past years. This year has really hit me hard. Brittany going into the 7th grade (yes, I said Seventh!), Lockwood - Kindergarten, and Emerson Pre-K. Brittany of course had a few more Summer assignments, but to throw in the mix Lockwood and Emerson's Summer work was like - Whooooaaaa. So tonight while taking this picture I teared up while Brittany laughed at me. Little did she know I did the same when I sent her off to Pre-K just those short years ago. Lockwood says he doesn't like school but he's ready to see his friends. Emerson squeezed my neck and gave me his sweet kisses then said I could get Aiden (my cousin Robin's baby) to come stay with me while he went to school. While having this anxious/overwhelming feeling at the same time we are truly blessed to have these precious children in our lives. Wishing for a GREAT school year ...